EEGS Foundation
"Guiding Technologies Today.
Preparing for a World of Needs Tomorrow."
The mission of Geoscientists Without Borders "to support humanitarian applications of geoscience around the world" is very dear to the hearts of the EEGS membership and the Foundation. The non-profit GWB organization connects universities and industries with communities in need through projects that benefit people and the environment. Projects typically place scientists into locations around the world to help locate clean water, identify engineering risks and even perform archaeological preservation mapping.
The EEGS Foundation is a proud supporter of the GWB program. In 2011, 2012, and 2013, the Foundation held luncheons at the annual SAGEEP meeting to raise awareness of the need for humanitarian geophysics and to promote these ideals. These were fund-raising luncheons and all proceeds were contributed to GWB.
The Foundation gratefully acknowledges underwriting of these events provided by The Mattice Family of Advanced Technical Services and John Clark of Corona Resources.